如何写好“Substantial Merit”
如何写好“Substantial Merit”
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作者:Quickfiling US

什么是“substantial merit”?

"substantial merit" 指申请人研究内容,专业经验的价值和重要性。

如何证明 “Substantial Merit”?

Step 1: 阐述你的研究方向的重要性和影响力。

Example: AI is crucial for transforming industries by automating tasks, analyzing vast data, and driving innovation. It enhances efficiency, accuracy, and problem-solving across sectors like healthcare, finance, and technology, playing a key role in addressing global challenges and advancing society. (Exhibit XX)

Step 2: 阐述在这个研究方向下,你解决了哪些挑战,以及这些挑战对你研究方向的意义。

Example: One key challenge of AI is building high-quality training datasets. Dr. XX’s research addresses this critialc issues via xxxx . ( one sentences to summarize your research). Specially,

  1. developing automated dataset cleanup methods. cite your research achievements.

  2. automated data collection,

Step 3: 如果有推荐信,可以借用推荐人的专家身份来证明你解决的问题对于你的研究方向是重要的。

Example: Professor XX from XX, is the famous researchers in XX fields, in his/her RL, he noted that , “Dr. XX’s research on training datasets building solves xx critical problems, helps on building better AI models, etc.”.

