如何写好“National Importance”
如何写好“National Importance”
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作者:Quickfiling US

什么是 “National Importance”?

"National Importance" 指申请人的“Proposed Endeavor” 将会对美国产生重要性的影响。

“ if the evidence of record demonstrates that the person’s proposed endeavor has the significant potential to broadly enhance societal welfare or cultural or artistic enrichment, or to contribute to the advancement of a valuable technology or field of study, it may rise to the level of national importance” [USCIS Policy Manual]

根据上述移民局的阐述, 你不需要证明“proposed endeavor” 已经达到National Importance, 只需要论述它有这个潜力是National Importance。

如何证明“National Importance”?

Step 1. 找到US相关政府文件来支持你的研究方向。

如果用 “Google”检索:

  • keywords+white house

  • keywords+.gov

  • keywords+principle/NGO/organization


  • AI prompt: find the news, orders, policies that support: National Strategy's emphasis on+ keywords

以下是一些证明AI National Importance的一些政府政策。


之前论述“substantial merit” 的时候,已经确定了研究的领域,应用方向。用这些来做为搜索关键字。

Step 2. 用上述材料证明 “national importance”.


XXX’s research is of national interest because:

  1. Topic 1: describe your research work, why it is important, how to benefit the US, supporting the US XXX goal of XXX. (Exhibit XXX)

  2. ….

STEM 专业申请人.

STEM专业很容易证明 national importance. 因为 “USCIS recognizes the importance of progress in STEM fields and the essential role of individuals with advanced STEM degrees in fostering this progress, especially in critical and emerging technologies or other STEM areas important to U.S. competitiveness or national security.”[USCIS Policy Manual] 检查这些lists,找到与“Proposed Endeavor”相关的专业列表来证明你的“National Importance。
